Does Your Prop Firm Need A Technology Upgrade?

Does Your Prop Firm Need A Technology Upgrade?

Most companies nowadays use modern digital technology in some way or another, even when they operate in a low-tech way such as face-to-face customer contact. But for some, tech is central to what they do. Either way, the need to upgrade technology comes about every so...
How Can Prop Firm Tech Handle Political Uncertainty?

How Can Prop Firm Tech Handle Political Uncertainty?

There are many times when money markets and stock markets are rocked by sudden, unexpected events. There can be natural disasters, wars, major terrorist incidents like 9/11 and, of course, moments of great political change and uncertainty. All this can lead to...
How To Start Up Your Own Prop Firm

How To Start Up Your Own Prop Firm

The Forex trading sector has always been important, but it has inevitably changed over time, especially as more sophisticated technology and ever-faster flows of information have come to the fore. A consequence of this is that relative values of different currencies...